2007 October � Simple Pleasures part 4
Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy!
The world is holy! The soul is holy! The skin is holy!
The nose is holy! The tongue and cock and hand
and asshole holy!
Everything is holy! everybody’s holy! everywhere is
holy! everyday is in eternity! Everyman’s an
Holy the sea holy the desert holy the railroad holy the
locomotive holy the visions holy the hallucinations holy the miracles holy the eyeball holy the
Holy forgiveness! mercy! charity! faith! Holy! Ours!
bodies! suffering! magnanimity!
Holy the supernatural extra brilliant intelligent
kindness of the soul!"
1er mastère spécialisé pour l'EHESP
Afficher tous les articles sur ce sujet"
Societal Risk and the consideration of technical and policy issues
A public consultation exercise on proposals for the use of Societal Risk to address risks from Major Hazards around Top Tier COMAH sites (CD 212) was undertaken in 2007. Arising from the consultation, and other contributions, a list of 23 areas of technical and policy matters was compiled. This is a summary of HSE’s consideration of these issues and how they will be taken into societal risk assessment.
Societal Risk and the consideration of technical and policy issues [PDF]
"Le rapport de l'Observatoire national de la pauvreté et de l'exclusion sociale 2009-2010 - Bilan de 10 ans d'observation de la pauvreté et de l'exclusion sociale à l'heure de la crise
Hazards of liquid hydrogen: Position paper
In the long term the key to the development of a hydrogen economy is a full infrastructure to support it, which include means for the delivery and storage of hydrogen at the point of use, eg at hydrogen refuelling stations for vehicles. In the meantime as an interim measure to allow the development of refuelling stations and rapid implementation of hydrogen distribution to them, liquid hydrogen (LH2) is considered the most efficient and cost effective means for transport and storage.
View research report RR769: Hazards of liquid hydrogen: Position paper
"In the long term the key to the development of a hydrogen economy is a full infrastructure to support it, which include means for the delivery and storage of hydrogen at the point of use, eg at hydrogen refuelling stations for vehicles. In the meantime as an interim measure to allow the development of refuelling stations and rapid implementation of hydrogen distribution to them, liquid hydrogen (LH2) is considered the most efficient and cost effective means for transport and storage. This will result in increasing amounts of LH2 transported by road, and possibly by rail, and storage of moderately large quantities at refuelling stations, many of which will be in urban areas. Although cryogenic liquid storage has been used safely for many years in secure and regulated industrial sites, its use in relatively congested, highly populated urban areas presents a new set of issues in relation to security, safety and associated planning. The Health and Safety Executive commissioned the Health and Safety Laboratory to identify and address issues relating to bulk liquid hydrogen transport and storage and update/develop guidance for such facilities. This position paper, the first part of the project, assesses the features of the transport and storage aspects of the refuelling stations that are now being constructed in the UK, compares them to existing guidance, highlights gaps in the regulatory regime and identifies outstanding safety issues.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
L'économie française et les finances publiques à l'horizon 2030, un exercice de prospective - rapport d'information n° 335
A analyser
Science and Engineering at the Heart of Health and Safety
Judith Hackitt, HSE’s Chair, recently wrote an article for Science in Parliament magazine’s Spring 2010 issue called Science and Engineering at the Heart of Health and Safety.
Science in Parliament is the magazine of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee which informs MPs of scientific and technological issues. Judith’s piece focuses on the importance of the work of HSE’s scientists.
View news announcement ‘Science and Engineering at the Heart of Health and Safety’
"Nouvelles énergies et santé au travail
Un papier court qui donne quelques éléments de réflexions intéressants sur les métiers verts et le travail encours sur les nouvelles énergies
Se posent des question autour de
-la capture de co2
-de l'hydrogène
-des alternatives a pétrole
le HSE travaille visiblement aussi avec AIE, dont il faudra suivre les travaux
Les nanotechnologies et les nanomatériaux dans les pays nordiques - Etat des lieux et prise en compte des risques en 2010 [Suède]
Ali Soumaré : la droite prise en flag
InVS | BEH n°7 (23 février 2010). Emploi atypique et troubles dépressifs en France à partir de l’Enquête décennale santé 2003 [...]
Voici un titre intéressant et une enquête attendue. Très importante sur le plan prospectif, car effectivement les emplois dits "atypiques" peuvent avoir une influence déterminante. Mais réciproquement, cela ne doit pas nous conduire à porter l'accent que sur cela. Mais reconnaissons qu'il y a une difficulté.
Je n'ai pourtant pas été totalement convaincu. Notamment la distinction subi/ choisi est un peu difficile à prendre bien en compte. Il y a des situations ou les gens voudraient travailler moins, est probablement il serait aussi en situation difficile
Par ailleurs, l'absence des secteurs ou de variables de type management me pose problème. On sait qu'il y a une concentration dans certains secteurs.
En tout cas, il semble que cela soit la seule étude qui fasse le lien, il y a une biblio internationale intéressante... Bénéfice du doute donc
Elisabeth Badinter en 1980
L'album des écrivains: Elisabeth Badinter en 1980 - Libération
voilà un livre à lire
je ne suis pas très sûr d'être en accord avec les propos que j'ai lus dans la presse. Il y a cependant avec le courant investissement social des pressions exercées.
Débat qui fait buzz en ce moment, à suivre !
The Now Habit by Neil Fiore - Dealing with Procrastination | redcatco blog
J'avais découvert ce livre, très stimulant pendant les périodes de découragements ou de doutes